Gas Flooding Processes and Flow Heterogeneities


Research Projects/Groups

CO2 Sequestration/Storage

Publication List

1) Ning Liu, N., Ghorpade, S., Harris, L., Li, L., Grigg, R., and Lee, R.: “The Effect of Pressure and Temperature on Brine-CO2 Relative Permeability and IFT at Reservoir Conditions,” Paper SPE 139029 presented at the SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, Morgantown, 12-14 October 2010. 

2) Harris, M.L. and Grigg, R.B.: "Validation and Comparison of Carbon Sequestration Project Cost Estimation Models with Project Cost Data Obtained from the SWP", Paper presented at DOE-NETL Ninth Annual Conference on Carbon Sequestration, (Seventh Annual Carbon Capture and Sequestration Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. May 10-13, 2010. 

3) Ghorpade, S., Liu, N., Harris, L., Li, L., Grigg, R., and Lee, R.: "Effects of pressure and temperature on relative permeability of CO2-brine system", Paper presented at DOE-NETL Ninth Annual Conference on Carbon Sequestration, (Seventh Annual Carbon Capture and Sequestration Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. May 10-13, 2010. 

4) Carey, J.W., Svec, R., Grigg, R., Zhang, J., and Crow, W.: “Experimental Investigation of Wellbore Integrity and CO2-brine Flow Along the Casing-cement Microannulus,” International J. of Greenhouse Gas Control, Vol. 4, Issue 2, March 2010, pp. 272-282. 

5) Chukwukere, E. S., N. Liu, L. Li, R. Grigg, and R. Lee, "Contribution of Solution-Diffusion and Volume-Migration on CO2 Transport in Caprock Seal Layer," Eighth Annual Conference Carbon Capture and Sequestration, DOE/NTEL, May 4-7, 2009. 

6) Heath, J., McPherson, B., Dewers, T., Chidsey, T.C., Jr., Petrusak, R., Siriwardane, H., Bromhal, G., Grigg, R., Esposito, R. "Seal analysis of geologic CO2 storage sites [abs.]," American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention Abstracts, v. 18, p. 90-91, 2009 

7) Liu, N., Y. Li, L.X. Li, R. Grigg, B. McPherson, and R. Lee, "Development of a CO2 chemical sensor and sensor strategy for CO2 monitoring in carbon sequestration", Paper presented at DOE-NETL Seventh Annual Conference on Carbon Sequestration, (Seventh Annual Carbon Capture and Sequestration Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. May 5-8, 2008. 

8) Grigg, R.B. and Svec, R.K.: “CO2 Retention and Injectivity Changes: Laboratory Tests,” Paper 145 presented at the sixth Annual Conference on carbon Capture and Sequestration - DOE/NETL Pittsburg, 7-19 May 2007. 

9) Grigg, R.B. and Svec, R.K.: “ CO2 Transport Mechanism in CO2/Brine Coreflooding,” paper SPE 103228 presented at the 2006 SPE Annual Technical Conference and exhibition, San Antonio, Sep. 24-27.

10) Pawar, R.J., Warpinski, N.R., Lorenz, J.C. Benson, R.D. Grigg, R.B., Stubbs, B.A., Stauffer, P.H., Krumhansl, J.L., Cooper, S.P., and Svec, R.K.: “ Overview of a CO2 Sequestration Field Test in the West Pearl Queen Reservoir, New Mexico,” Environmental Geosciences, V.13, No.3 (September 2006), pp. 163-180. 

11) Grigg, R.B. and Svec, R.K.: “ CO2 Saturations and Transport Mechanisms in Frio Sandstone,” paper 157 presented at the Fifth Annual Conference on carbon Capture and Sequestration DOE/NETL, Washington, D.C., 8-11 May 2006 

12) Grigg, R.B. and Svec, R.K.: “ Laboratory and Model Tests at Reservoir Conditions for CO2-Brine-Carbonate Rock Systems Interactions,” prepared and presented at The Fifth Annual DOE Carbon Sequestration Conference, Washington, D.C., 8-11 May 2006 

13) Grigg, R.B., Svec, R.K., Peter C. Lichtner, P.C., Carey, W., and Lesher, C.E: “ CO2/Brine/Carbonate Rock Interactions: Dissolution and Precipitation,” prepared and presented at the Fourth Annual Conference on Carbon Capture & Sequestration, Alexandria, 2-5 May 2005. 

14) Grigg, R.B.: “Long-term CO2 Storage: Using Petroleum Industry Experience,” Carbon Dioxide Capture for Storage in Deep Geologic Formations, Volume 2, Chapter 11, C.C. Thomas and S.M. Benson (Eds.), 2005 Elsevier Ltd. 

15) Pawar, R.J., Warpinski, M.R., Benson, R.D., Grigg, R.B., Krumhansl, J.L., and Stubbs, B.A.; “Geologic Sequestration of CO2 in a Depleted oil Reservoir: An Overview of a Field Demonstration Project,” paper 90936 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, 26-29 September 2004.  

16) Grigg, R.B. and Svec, R.K.: “Co-Injected CO2-Brine Interactions with Indiana Limestone,” SCA2003-19, Society of Core Analyst prepared for the SCA 2003 Pau, France, 21-24 September 2003. 

17) Grigg, R.B, McPherson, B.J., and Svec, R.K.: “Laboratory and Model Tests at Reservoir Conditions for CO2-Brine-Carbonate Rock Systems Interactions,” prepared and presented at The Second Annual DOE Carbon Sequestration Conference, Washington, D.C., 5-8 May 2003. 

18) Pawar, R. and et al.: “Geologic Sequestration of CO2 in West Pearl Queen Field: Results of a Field Demonstration Project,” prepared and presented at The Third Annual DOE Carbon Sequestration Conference, Washington, D.C., 3-6 May 2003. 

19) Bond, G.M., Mcpherson, B.J., Abel, A., Lichtner, P., Grigg, R.B., Niu, N., and Stringer, J.: “Biomimetic and Geologic Mineralization Approaches to Carbon Sequestration,” prepared and presented at The Second Annual DOE Carbon Sequestration Conference, Washington, D.C., 5-8 May 2003. 

20) Wellman, T.P, Grigg, R.B., McPherson, B.J., Svec, R.K., and Lichtner, P.C.: “Evaluation of CO2-Brine-Reservoir Rock Interaction with Laboratory Flow Tests and Reactive Transport Modeling,” paper 80228 prepared for presentation at the SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, 5-8 February 2003. 

21) Pawar, R.J., Zhang, D., Westrich, J.R., Grigg, R.B., and Stubbs, B.A.: “Geological Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide in a Depleted Oil Reservoir,” paper 75256 presented at the SPE/DOE Thirteenth Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, 13-17 April 2002 

22) Svec,R.K. and R.B. Grigg, R.B.: “Physical Effects of WAG Fluids on Carbonate Core Plugs” paper SPE 71496 presented at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, 30 September–3 October. 

23) Westrich, H. et. al.: “Sequestration of CO2 in a Depleted Oil Reservoir: An Overview,” prepared and presented at The First Annual DOE Carbon Sequestration Conference, Washington, D.C., 3-6 May 2001.

1) Grigg, R.B.: Final Report for “Improving Gas Flooding Efficiency,” DOE Award No.: DE-FC26-04NT15532, July 15 2008

2) Grigg, R.B.: Second Annual Report for “Improving Gas Flooding Efficiency,” DOE CONTRACT No. DE-FG26-04NT15532, June 2007

3) Grigg, R.B.: First Annual Report for “Improving Gas Flooding Efficiency,” DOE CONTRACT No. DE-FG26-04NT15532, May 2006

4) Grigg, R.B.: “Imported CO2 Efficiency for Recovering Oil in Heterogeneous Reservoirs,” Final Report For DOE Contract no. DE-FC26-01BC15364, June 2005.

5) Grigg, R.B.: “Improved CO2 Efficiency for Recovering Oil in Heterogeneous Reservoirs,” Third Annual Report for DOE contract no. DE-FC26-01BC15364, October 2004.

6) Grigg, R.B.: “Improved CO2 Efficiency for Recovering Oil in Heterogeneous Reservoirs,” second annual report for DOE contract no. DE-FC26-01BC15364, October 2003.

7) Grigg, R.B.: “Improved CO2 Efficiency for Recovering Oil in Heterogeneous Reservoirs,” first annual report for DOE contract no. DE-FC26-01BC15364, January 2003.

8) Grigg, R.B.: “Improved Efficiency of Miscible CO2 Floods and Enhanced Prospects of CO2 Flooding Heterogeneous Reservoirs,” Final Report, Contract No. DE-FG26-97BC15047, U.S. DOE (April 2001) covering June 1, 1997 – September 30, 2000.

9) Grigg, R.B., and Schechter, D.S.: “Improved Efficiency of Miscible CO2 Floods and Enhanced Prospects of CO2 Flooding Heterogeneous Reservoirs,” Annual Report, Contract No. DE-FG26-97BC15047, U.S. DOE (October 1999).

10) Grigg, R.B. and Schechter, D.S.: “Improved Efficiency of Miscible CO2 Floods and Enhanced Prospects of CO2 Flooding Heterogeneous Reservoirs,” Annual Report, Contract No. DE-FG26-97BC15047, U.S. DOE, (July 1998).

11) Grigg, R.B. and Schechter, D.S.: “Improved Efficiency of Miscible CO2 Floods and Enhanced Prospects of CO2 Flooding Heterogeneous Reservoirs,” Final Report, Contract No. DE-FG22-94BC14977, U.S. DOE, (FEB. 1998).

12) Grigg, R.B. and Schechter, D.S.: “Improved Efficiency of Miscible CO2 Floods and Enhanced Prospects of CO2 Flooding Heterogeneous Reservoirs,” Annual Report, Contract No. DE-FG22-94BC14977, U.S. DOE, (April 1996).

13) Grigg, R.B., Heller, J.P., and Schechter, D.S.: “Improved Efficiency of Miscible CO2 Floods and Enhanced Prospects of CO2 Flooding Heterogeneous Reservoirs,” Annual Report, Contract No. DE-FG22-94BC14977, U.S. DOE (April 1995).

Zeng, Z-W. and Grigg, R.: "A Criterion for Non-Darcy Flow in Porous Media," Transport in Porious Media, (2006) 63: 57-69

Zeng, Z-W, Grigg, R.B., and Gupta, D.B.: “Laboratory Investigation of Stress-Sensitivity of Non-Darcy Gas Flow Parameters” paper SPE 89431 presented at the SPE/DOE Fourteenth Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, 17-21 April 2004.

Grigg, R.B., Zeng, Z-W. and Bethapudi, L.V.: “Comparison of Non-Darcy Flow of CO2 and N2 in a Carbonate Rock,” paper SPE 89471 presented at the SPE/DOE Fourteenth Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, 17-21 April 2004.

Zeng, Z-W, Roegiers, J-C, and Grigg, R.B.: “Imaging the Initiation of Asymmetrical Hydraulic Fractures in Laboratory Experiments,” paper SPE 84578 prepared for presentation at the SPE ATCE, Denver, 5-8 October 2003.

Zeng, Z-W, Grigg, R.B., and Ganda, S.: “Experimental Study of Overburden and Stress Influence on Non-Darcy Gas Flow in Dakota Sandstone,” paper SPE 84069 presented at the SPE ATCE, Denver, 5-8 October 2003.

Li, D., Svec, R.K., Engler, T.W., and Grigg, R.B.: “Modeling and Simulation of the Wafer Non-Darcy Flow Experiments,” paper SPE 68822 presented at the SPE Western Regional Meeting, Bakersfield, 26-30 March 2001.

Grigg, R.B. and Hwang, M.K., “High Velocity Gas Flow Effects in Porous Gas-Water System,” paper SPE 39978 presented at the 1998 SPE Gas Technology Symposium, Calgary, 15-18 March.

Grigg, R.B. and Svec, R.K.: “Injectivity Changes and CO2 Retention for EOR and Sequestration Projects,” paper SPE 110760 presented at the 2008 SPE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, 19-23 April

Grigg, R.B. and Svec, R.K.: “CO2 Retention and Injectivity Changes: Laboratory Tests,” Paper 145 presented at the sixth Annual Conference on carbon Capture and Sequestration - DOE/NETL Pittsburg, 7-19 May 2007.

Grigg, R.B. and Svec, R.K.: “ CO2 Transport Mechanism in CO2/Brine Coreflooding,” paper SPE 103228 presented at the 2006 SPE Annual Technical Conference and exhibition, San Antonio, Sep. 24-27.

Grigg, R.B. and Svec, R.K.: “ CO2 Saturations and Transport Mechanisms in Frio Sandstone,” paper 157 presented at the Fifth Annual Conference on carbon Capture and Sequestration DOE/NETL, Washington, D.C., 8-11 May 2006

Grigg, R.B. and Svec, R.K.: “ Laboratory and Model Tests at Reservoir Conditions for CO2-Brine-Carbonate Rock Systems Interactions,” prepared and presented at The Fifth Annual DOE Carbon Sequestration Conference, Washington, D.C., 8-11 May 2006

Grigg, R.B., Svec, R.K., Peter C. Lichtner, P.C., Carey, W., and Lesher, C.E: “ CO2/Brine/Carbonate Rock Interactions: Dissolution and Precipitation,” prepared and presented at the Fourth Annual Conference on Carbon Capture & Sequestration, Alexandria, 2-5 May 2005.

Grigg, R.B. and Svec, R.K.: “Co-Injected CO2-Brine Interactions with Indiana Limestone,” SCA2003-19, Society of Core Analyst prepared for the SCA 2003 Pau, France, 21-24 September 2003.

Grigg, R.B, McPherson, B.J., and Svec, R.K.: “Laboratory and Model Tests at Reservoir Conditions for CO2-Brine-Carbonate Rock Systems Interactions,” prepared and presented at The Second Annual DOE Carbon Sequestration Conference, Washington, D.C., 5-8 May 2003.

Wellman, T.P, Grigg, R.B., McPherson, B.J., Svec, R.K., and Lichtner, P.C.: “Evaluation of CO2-Brine-Reservoir Rock Interaction with Laboratory Flow Tests and Reactive Transport Modeling,” paper 80228 prepared for presentation at the SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, 5-8 February 2003.

Svec, R.K. and R.B. Grigg, R.B.: “Physical Effects of WAG Fluids on Carbonate Core Plugs” paper SPE 71496 presented at the 2001 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, 30 September–3 October.

Rogers, J.D. and Reid B. Grigg, R.B.: “A Literature Analysis of the WAG Injectivity Abnormalities in the CO2 Process,” SPE Reservoir Eval. & Eng., Vol. 5, No. 5, (October 2001) 375 (original paper SPE 59329 presented at the 2000 Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, 3-5 April).

Grigg, R.B. and Schechter, D.S.: “State of the Industry in CO2 Floods,” paper SPE 38849 presented at the 1997 SPE Annual Technical conference and Exhibition held in San Antonio, 5-8 October.

Yin, G, Grigg, R.B.; and Svec, Y.: "Oil Recovery and Surfactant Adsorption During CO2-Foam Flooding," paper OTC 19787 presented at eh 2009 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, 4-7 May 2009

Grigg, R.B and Mikhalin, A.A.: "Effects of Flow Conditions and Surfactant Availability on Adsorption," paper SPE 106205 presented at the 2007 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, Feb. 28 - March 2.

Zeng, Z-W, Grigg, R.B, and Bai, B.: "Experimental Development of Adsorption and Desorption Kinetics of CO2-Foaming Surfactant onto Berea Sandstone," paper SPE 103117 presented at the 2006 SPE Annual Technical Conference and exhibition, San Antonio, Sep. 24-27.

Liu. Y., Grigg, R.B., and Svec, R.K..: "Foam Mobility and Adsorption in Carbonate Core," Paper SPE 99756 presented at the 2006 SPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, 22-26 April.

Bai, B., grigg, R.B. Liu, Y., and Zeng, Z-W.: "Adsorption and Desorption of a CO2-Foam-Forming Surfactant onto Berea Sandstone," paper SPE 95920 presented at the 2005 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, 9-12 October.

Liu, Y., Grigg, R.B., and Svec, R.K.: “CO2 Foam Behavior: Influence of Temperature, Pressure, and Concentration of Surfactant,” paper 94307 presented at the 2005 SPE Production and Operations Symposium, Oklahoma City, 17-19 April.

Grigg, R.B. and Bai, B.: “Sorption of Surfactant Used in CO2 Flooding onto Five Minerals and Three Porous Media,” paper 93100 presented at eh 2005 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, 2-4 February.

Bai, B. and Grigg, R.B.: “Kinetics and Equilibria of Calcium Lignosulfonate Adsorption and Desorption onto Limestone,” paper 93098 presented at the 2005 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, 2-4 February.

Liu, Y., Grigg, R.B., and Bai, B.: “Salinity, pH, and Surfactant Concentration Effects on CO2 Foam,” paper 93095 presented at eh 2005 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, 2-4 February.

Grigg, R.B., Bai, B., and Liu, Y.: “Competitive Adsorption of Hybrid Surfactant System onto Five Minerals, Berea Sandstone, and Limestone,” paper SPE 90612 presented at eh SPE ATCE, Houston, 26-29 September 2004.

Grigg, R.B. and Bai, B.: “Calcium Lignosulfonate Adsorption and Desorption on Berea Sandstone,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 279 (2004) 36-45.

Grigg, R.B., Tsau, J.-S., and Martin, F.D.: “Cost Reduction and Injectivity Improvements for CO2 Foams for Mobility Control,” paper 75178 presented at the SPE/DOE Thirteenth Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, 13-17 April 2002.

Tsau, J.-S., Syahputra, A.E., and Grigg, R.B.: “Economic Evaluation of Surfactant Adsorption in CO2 Foam Application,” paper SPE 59365 presented at the 2000 SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, 3-5 April.

Syahputra, A.E., Tsau, J.-S., and Grigg, R.B.: “Laboratory Evaluation of Using Lignosulfonate and Surfactant Mixture in CO2 Flooding,” paper SPE 59368 presented at the 2000 SPE/DOE Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, 3-5 April.

Tsau, J.S., Syahputra, A.E., Yaghoobi, H., and Grigg, R.B.: “Use of Sacrificial Agents in CO2 Foam Flooding Application,” paper SPE 56609 to be presented at the 1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, October 3-6.

Chang, S.-H. and Grigg R.B., “Effects of Foam Quality and Flow Rate on CO2-Foam Behavior at Reservoir Conditions,” paper SPE 39679 presented at the 1998 SPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, 19-22 April (SPE Reservoir Eval. & Eng., Vol. 2, No. 3, June 1999, 248-254).

Tsau, J.-S., Yaghoobi, H. and Grigg, R.B.: “Smart Foam to Improve Oil Recovery in Heterogeneous Porous Media,” paper SPE 39677 presented at the 1998 SPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, 19-22 April.

Tsau, J.-S., Yaghoobi, H., and Grigg, R.B.: “Use of Mixed Surfactants to Improve Mobility Control in CO2 Flooding,” paper SPE 39792 presented at the 1998 SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conference, Midland, 23-27 March.

Yaghoobi, H., Tsau, J.-S., and Grigg, R.B.: “Effect of Foam on CO2 Breakthrough: Is This Favorable to Oil Recovery?” paper SPE 39789 presented at the 1998SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conference, Midland, 23-27 March.

Tsau, J.-S. and Grigg, R.B.: “Assessment of Foam Properties and Effectiveness in Mobility Reduction for CO2-Foam Floods,” paper SPE 37221 presented at the 1997 SPE International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, 18-21 February.

Chang, S-H. and Grigg, R.B.: “Foam Displacement Modeling in CO2 Flooding Processes,” paper SPE 35426 presented at the 1996 SPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, 21-24 April.

Chang, S.H., Grigg, R.B., and Sung, A.H.: “Use of MASTER Web to Improve History Matching,” paper SPE 62617 presented at the 2000 SPE/AAPG Western Regional Meeting, Long Beach, 19-23 June.

Janoski, G., Pietrzyk, M., Sung, A.H., Chang, S.-H., and Grigg, R.B.: “Application of Fuzzy Control in Reservoir Simulation,” JCIS, Feb. 2000.

Sung, A.H., Li, H.J., Chang, S.-H., and Grigg, R.B.: “Applications of Neural Networks in Solving Engineering Problems,” proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Honolulu, 9-12 August 1999.

Sung, A.H., Li, H., Chang, E., and Grigg, R.: “Solving nonlinear engineering problems with the aid of neural networks,” SPIE Conference on Applications and Science of Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, and Evolutionary Computation II, SPIE Vol. 3812, Denver, July 1999.

Janoski, G., Chang, S.H., Sung, A.H., and Grigg, R.B.: “Petroleum Reservoir Simulation with Fuzzy Control,” to be presented and published in the proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conference (ANNIE ’99), St. Louis, November 1999.

Sung, A.H., Li, H.J., Chang, S.H., and Grigg, R.B.: “Applications of Neural Networks in Solving engineering Problems,” Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, Honolulu, August 9-12, 1999.

Chang, S.-H. and Grigg R.B.: “History Matching and Modeling the CO2-Foam Pilot Test at EVGSAU,” paper SPE 39793 presented at the 1998 SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conference, Midland, 23-27 March.

Zeng, Z, Jakupi, A; Bigelow, T; Grigg, R.B.; Kringstad, J; Belobraydic, M; and Zhou, X.: “Laboratory Observation of CO2 Phase Transition Induced Seismic Velocity Change,” paper ARMA 03-329 presented at the 42nd SU Rock Mechanics Symposium and 2nd US-Canada Rock mechanics Symposium, San Fransisco, 29 June- 2 July 2008.

Grigg, R.B.: "Technology Hold Key to Improving Recovery Efficiency," The American Oil & Gas Reporter, February 2007, 106.

Li, H., Putra, E., Schechter, D.S., and Grigg, R.B.: “Experimental Investigation of CO2 Gravity Drainage in a Fractured System,” paper SPE 64510 presented at the 2000 SPE Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Brisbane, 16-18 October.

Svec, R.K. and Grigg R.B.: “Reservoir Characterization and Laboratory Studies Assessing Improve Oil Recovery Methods for the Teague-Blinebry Field” paper SPE 59550 presented at the 2000 SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conference, Midland, 21-23 March.

Schechter, D.S, Grigg, R.B., Guo, B, and Schneider, B.D.: “Wellman Field CO2 Flood: Reservoir Pressure Reduction and Flooding the Water/Oil Transition Zone,” paper SPE 48948 presented at the 1998 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, New Orleans, Sept. 27-30, 1998.

Svec, R.K. and Grigg, R.B.: “Teague-Blinebry Improved Oil Recovery Feasibility Study,” paper SCA 99581 presented and published with the proceedings of the 1999 Society of Core Analysts Symposium, Denver, 1-4 August.

Siagian, U.W.R. and Grigg R.B., “The Extraction of Hydrocarbons from Crude Oil by High Pressure CO2,” paper SPE 39684 presented at the 1998 SPE/DOE Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Tulsa, 19-22 April.

Grigg, R.B. and Siagian, U.W.R.: “Understanding and Exploiting Four Phase Flow in Low Temperature CO2 Floods,” paper SPE 39790 presented at the 1998 SPE Permian Basin Oil and Gas Recovery Conference, Midland, 23-27 March.

Grigg, R.B., Gregory, M.D., and Purkaple, J.D.: “The Effect of Pressure on Improved Oilflood Recovery From Tertiary Gas Injection,” SPERE (August 1997) 179-187.

Chang, S-H., Grigg, R.B., and Huang, T.C.: “Characterization and Multiphase Equilibrium Prediction of Crude Oil Heavy Components,” Fuel Science and Technology International, (1996) 14(1&2) 179-201.

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